Most employees try to multitask the entire day:
At work, many people have more than one screen open in front of them with various projects. In between they also send a text or they like some photos on Facebook. Colleagues drop by and provide distraction. Between the emails and phone calls to clients, you also manage to make a shopping list and catch up on the latest news in the online newspaper. By the end of the day, these people will get into their car completely wrecked. And what’s more, they didn’t even manage to do all the work they had planned to do.
Does this daily hustle and bustle sound familiar?

Wouter Hesseling studied medical biology and he completed the Academy for Physical Education. Wouter is a jack of all trades. After completing his studies he traveled around the world as an artist. Following that, he started giving shows and courses for the corporate sector (see He has seen hundreds of organizations both in the Netherlands and abroad and he has used the knowledge he has acquired here as a source of inspiration for a new concept.
Corporate workshops
As a company trainer, Wouter detected that the majority of employees continuously tries to multitask the entire day and this way sell yourself and others short significantly. By means of his experiences, literature about this subject, and talks with scientists of three Dutch universities, he has developed the concept ‘Multitasking is a myth’. Several years and a great deal of experience later, Wouter is regarded as an absolute expert in this field.
Workshop Multitasking is a myth
Wouter’s approach: informative with a very high entertainment value. He swirls across the stage, speaks passionately about multitasking, switchtasking and monotasking, answers questions from the audience, and in the meantime he tries to keep his breakable plates spinning.